The cover versions of Carola's "Himlen i min famn" just keep coming. November 9 I published a list of 14 Scandinavian artists that had recorded the song over the years (read more). A week later I could report that Elisabeth Andreassen and Rein Alexander released the song on their new album "Julenatt" (read more), and now the Danish singer Lene Siel has recorded both "Himlen i min favn" and "I denne nat blir verlden ny" on her album titled—you guessed it—"Himlen i min favn" that was released on November 16.
2004Link: Buy Lene Siel's album from CDON
Veronica Akselsen - Fattige var de som først fikk se (Norway)
Åsne Valland Nordli og Kristin Skaare - Lille Messias (Norway)
Oslo Gospel Choir - Lys i mørkret (Norway)
Simone - On a Night Like This (Denmark)
Marianne Juvik Sæbø - Min tanke går til Betlehem (Norway)
Katri Helena - Taivas Sylissani (Finland)
Rebecca - När julen närmar sig (Sweden)
Ivar Kleive & Aage Kvalbein - Julemeditasjoner (Norway)
Anne Vada - Sacral jul (Norway)
Tore Ljøkjel - Medvandrer (Norway)
Anne-Marie Kvien - Barnet er født (Norway)
Frelsesarmeen - Dirridam (Norway)
The Staff Band of the Norwegian Armed Forces - Vol.33: Fairytale (Norway)
Sidsel - Deilig er jorden (Norway)
Elisabeth Andreassen & Rein Alexander - Julenatt (Norway)
Lene Siel - Himlen i min favn (Denmark)
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